

The mission of the Congaree Rapid Football Club (CRFC) is to provide quality coaching in a structured classic league soccer environment. Our desire is not to be the largest or most elite soccer club, but one that serves the player who strives to become a better soccer player at the classic league and high school level. Player development is our ultimate goal!

In addition, our first President - Jesse Eudy - was adamant that we somehow find a way such that all kids have the chance to play despite financial obstacles they and their families may face. Donations are one way to help make this happen. The following are named Memorials:

Jesse Eudy Memorial Fund
Kylie Marie Heise Memorial Fund
Charlie Terreni Memorial Fund
Bucky Zeberlein Memorial Fund

In addition, the winner of the Jesse Eudy Memorial Golf Classic receives the Dave Dunlap Award. Each of these memorials commemorates the lives of people (or their families) who were directly or indirectly involved in enhancing the lives of young people, promoting their well-being, and embracing the beautiful game we are privileged to offer as an opportunity.

Congaree Rapid FC is a 501(c)3 registered charity. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law, but please check and/or confirm with your accountant or tax advisor.

Please choose an amount from the below drop-down list:


Donor's Name:
In Honor of or In Memory of: