Kylie Marie Heise Scholarship

The Kylie Marie Heise Memorial Scholarship is awarded by June 5 annually, which marks Kylie Marie's birthday. Kylie Marie, who passed away on October 16, 2009, as a result of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, was the daughter of Kyle Heise and niece of Kevin Heise - two of the founders and integral members of Congaree Rapid FC in 1993.
A monetary scholarship along with a certificate is awarded to a graduated boys and girls senior soccer player who has played with CRFC. In addition, a donation to a charity chosen by the Heise Family will be made during the month of June.
Past Kylie Marie Heise Memorial Scholarship recipients include:
Brookland-Cayce High School (Cayce, S.C.)
- 2010 - Katie Busbee, William Flores
- 2011 - Jennifer Merritt, Ryan Bristow
- 2012 - Noel McDaniel, Jalin Butler
- 2013 - Kacee Merritt, Scottie Newman
- 2014 - Helena Walters, Aaron Davis
- 2015 - Kathryn Greer, Caleb Kussro
- 2016 - Rebekah McGee, Ivan Vasquez
- 2017 - Elizabeth McGee, Horace Harling
Gray Collegiate Academy (West Columbia, S.C.)
- 2018 - Brisi Islas-Jiminez, Noah Davis
- 2019 - Madeline McKeown, Jordan McKim
- 2020 - Emily Kussro, Mitchell Stevens
- 2021 - Olivia Cawley, Connor Pullie
- 2022 - Karla Gordon, Ryan Kussro
- 2023 - Sarah Kate Kodes, Cade Richards
- 2024 - Kaitlin Robinson, Benjamin Richards
To make a donation to the KMHMS, please make checks payable to:
Congaree Rapid FC
c/o: KMHMS
P.O. Box 2135
West Columbia, SC 29171-235